Friday, January 22, 2016

Makeup Monsters Cosmetics // Redwood Liquid Lipstick

Yo, blogosphere.

So I got my Makeup Monsters Cosmetics order in the mail last week. I basically peed my pants over how excited I was over this goop. I bought Redwood and Darkness Prevails, but this post is concerning the former. 

heart eyes emoji amirite

Here's the link to MUMC's Redwood product page, but I'll also lay it out for yinz under the cut.

In Which I Try Not To Overshare

Yo, blogosphere!

So here's me writing my first blog post. Intro to me: an almost 25 year old woman whose hobbies include making art, makeup, and consuming as much media as possible. I'm a fan of weirdness, creepiness, strangeness; you know how it goes. I also happen to be a mom to the best toddler ever created so that's cool, but this isn't a blog for her. This is some sort of personal experiment in "self" and an attempt to overcome my anxiety, so bear with me. I want to write the blog posts that I've tried to find (makeup related, fat girl related, 20-something mom with GAD related, etc.) and I want to show myself that hiding and "being nothing" isn't as great as my nervous brain tells me it is. Onward!