Friday, January 22, 2016

In Which I Try Not To Overshare

Yo, blogosphere!

So here's me writing my first blog post. Intro to me: an almost 25 year old woman whose hobbies include making art, makeup, and consuming as much media as possible. I'm a fan of weirdness, creepiness, strangeness; you know how it goes. I also happen to be a mom to the best toddler ever created so that's cool, but this isn't a blog for her. This is some sort of personal experiment in "self" and an attempt to overcome my anxiety, so bear with me. I want to write the blog posts that I've tried to find (makeup related, fat girl related, 20-something mom with GAD related, etc.) and I want to show myself that hiding and "being nothing" isn't as great as my nervous brain tells me it is. Onward!

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